Zor'kan the Seer
Zor'kan, from a distant and mysterious planet, uses his profound connection to the cosmic web to guide his actions and advise others on their destinies.
Seeking enlightenment and to guide others through the complexities of the cosmos.
Features are exotic, with a gaze that seems to pierce through the fabric of reality itself.
- Health
- 9
- Strength
- 10
- Intelligence
- 4
Explore My Items
Each item can be lost or gained
Power Klaw
A devastating melee weapon capable of tearing through armor.
A loud, shooty gun beloved by Orks, effective in spraying bullets at the enemy.
Explosive grenades used to sow chaos on the battlefield.
Boss Pole
A symbol of his authority, used to rally Ork Boyz to battle.
Play As Me In The Following Adventures
Explore, Create and Reimagine
The Battle for Nebula X1
In space, the Nebula X1 is an epic war's focal point, with fleets clashing amidst its stellar dust.
The Forge World of Omnixia
Omnixia, a forge world, produces advanced war machines, now threatened by a mysterious alien force.
Void Crusade of Galaxy 9
Galaxy 9, uncharted space, becomes a crusade theater, with legions conquering new worlds and facing horrors.
Rebellion on Planet Kyron
Dive into Planet Kyron's chaos, where a fierce rebellion challenges the empire's rule, threatening galactic stability.
Ghost Ship of the Void
A legendary ghost ship, traversing space, holds secrets of ancient technologies and civilizations.